Zoning is a method which utilizes a signal system located on the feet to send messages, using the nervous system, to all the organs and systems of the body to wake them up, and have them do what they are naturally designed to do. Using a precise method and order, the Foot Zoner applies touch and intention to points and areas on the feet that correspond to each body part. This vastly improves communication between the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the body, as well as promoting energy flow, increasing the circulation of both blood and lymph, improving cell cleansing and helping the whole body system to move forward and change, sometimes dramatically. In someways Foot Zoning is similar to reflexology and both have their origins in zone therapy, but one of the many differences is, Foot Zoning treats the whole body in each session by treating all areas of the feet, not just areas perceived to be problematic. This allows the body to strengthen its self as needed, and address problem areas when it has enough strength and reserves to do so.
Cambria was raised in a holistic home, and has continued learning all things natural throughout her life. Feeling very broken, seeking help from childhood traumas, and incurring many more hardships as a wife and mother, Cambria sought after many gifted and talented teachers, and natural remedies. She was continuously taking advantage of learning a variety of modalities, combining specific parts of each one, to try and find a path of healing and becoming whole. Eventually after decades of struggling and searching, during her time as a wife and mother of four children, things were finally shifting, finding much truth, light, and peace, in all the different teachings combined. Amongst the intrigue of learning, her children growing up and moving on, Cambria wanted to start sharing her excitement of the impact of these life altering truths in a way that would match her gifts, talents and intuition. In 2016 the decision was made to start practicing as a Foot Zoner, Life Coach, and recently as a Sound Practitioner. Being a part of this great work has been so rewarding. Seeing others alter their mind towards forgiveness of: experiences, pain and one's self, has been bringing joy to her life for almost 10 years, and has helped over 80 clients. Cambria just moved from Arizona to Utah, and is very excited to support new people and see their personal transformations.
My name is Cynthia and I’m passionate about healing naturally I believe that we are divine and have power to create balance within ourselves and the world to live a fulfilled, healthy happy life. 🤩Foot zoning has been used for thousands of years by Egyptians and many other civilizations like China, India, and Indigenous tribes.
This is not just a foot massage it’s like a massage for your organs that helps stimulate them, it may help and get an idea of imbalances in the body to bring it closer to balance.🙏🏽