Trust In Us

Trust in us, we see the bigger picture.  We will not allow things to happen that are not for the greater good of humanity. The time has come for the light to shine and uncover all darkness. There will be no place to hide when the light enters from within. Those who work in the dark will no longer be able to live in themselves, for fear of their own shadow. Light will fill every crevice, every valley, every soul. Balance has begun. All humanity will find the equilibrium. 

Those who have found themselves run by ego will be brought into humility. Those who are humble will receive great strength. Love for self and love for others will increase exponentially. 

Many will choose to leave because of these changes. Many will find their true self because of these shifts. All will come into balance. 

This virus, or one like it, is the great equalizer. Like a thief in the night it travels to all corners of the earth. No one is immune,  all can be infected both the meek and the powerful. As those in control are infected, they will see that they are not in control. They will be brought into self reflection and many will see errors in their way of thinking. The virus can travel fast and undetected until it is too late. When humanity is in the lull, unable to move at full strength,  they will be brought low and understand the strength of nature. Earth will give rise to the elements.  A great cleansing will take place that will bring fresh life to the planet. 

Large governments of control will no longer exist and smaller fractions of localized leadership will step up to take charge. The heart and mind will rule as one. 

~ Metatron and The Council of Light


Light is the Key Ingredient