Light is the Key Ingredient

"Light is the key ingredient

I bring this message wrapped up in light.

Light holds the full spectrum of color. Every shift, every change, every transformation is set in motion by the adding or diminishing of light energies.

Adding light raises the frequency to that which you are manifesting. Light attracts new energy and as energy is added upon, new growth is apparent.

As you create be sure that light is a main ingredient in your creations. Abundance is attracted to light because light holds little resistance. Why is the heart attracted to shiny things? Light holds the energy of attraction. Light draws upon all the senses because of the grand array of colors which it holds. All frequencies are represented through light and can easily be transmuted through light once you know how to work with it.

The Highest frequencies of light can not be seen with the physical eye but they can be felt. Love holds the highest frequency of light which can penetrate deep into every cell of creation to enact change. True healing is only accomplished when the pure light of love enters the cells and they open up to receive.

Ones capacity to heal is in direct relation to their capacity to love. To love thyself is to heal thyself. If you wish to heal another you must introduce the highest frequencies of light and love another. Yes, it is just this simple.

Now, let me speak about abundance. Love expands, light expands. Find the love in creation and watch as it expands. Too many find themselves involved in things that they do not love doing. This is wasted energy. Not to say that everything you do must be enjoyable. Approach every task with the energy of love and discover how much easier it becomes. Introduce more light to your workspace and see how the energies shift as more light is added. Feed your creations with light energy and they will attract abundance. Remember that love holds the highest frequencies of light so create in love and others will be attracted to your creations.

Use the words "I Love You" with everything and everyone you interact with. Say this as often as possible. If it is not appropriate to speak these words, think these words and the energy will be felt. Speak these words to yourself often. Many of you struggle with this but your capacity to love others is directly related to your capacity to love yourself. Many who find themselves trying to love and heal others are struggling to love and heal themselves.

You will work with many who are surrounded by lower frequencies in their homes and in their work places. Help them to recognize the benefits of light and higher frequency. Teach them how to love and expand what they do and who they are in contact with. These simple truths will change lives and help to raise the overall consciousness.


~ Archangel Metatron


Water - Christ Consciousness


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