Join Ashley for a Breathwork Experience, Sound Bath, and Meditation.
She will guide you through a safe breathing practice to allow yourself a beautiful release of big stored pain/emotions, followed by a sound experience and meditation with your inner child.
What is breathwork?
Breathwork encompasses various techniques that focus on controlling the breath to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Through our conscious breath, we can allow ourselves to release stored emotions, stored physical pain, increase relaxation, improve focus, and promote overall wellness.
This event will be 6:30 - 8:30 PM in Sandy, UT.
Event Address:
Synchronicities Light Energy Gift Emporium and Healing Center
9419 S Union Square, Sandy, UT 84070
Reach out to for any questions or more information.
IMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS! - This event is a very intense healing session, it is not advised to attend if you have any of the following health conditions:
Pregnancy over 4 months (please reach out)
History of Cardiovascular Disease (please reach out)
Severe mental illness (please reach out)
Strokes, seizures or other neurological conditions (please reach out)