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Experience, Discuss and Learn Self-Hypnosis with Patty

In this free group class come and join in the experience, discussions and learning what Self-Hypnosis can do for you.

1. Hypnosis is a natural altered state, that occurs just before you fall asleep. You will learn how to prolong this state in order to by-pass the conscious mind. It is so natural and familiar that some people expect to feel different in hypnosis, but the truth is most people don’t know how to completely relax until they experience hypnosis.

2. Hypnosis allows going to the cause of the problem, where you can find solutions and resolve issues. Therefore, you are learning selective thinking, and creating new ideas, goals, and habits for a happier life.

3. Hypnosis is heighten-awareness, physical relaxation, physical and emotional well-being, and peace of mind.

4. Hypnosis is NOT losing control, deep sleep, telling you secrets or being trapped in a hypnotic state. Come learn how to nurture your body and mind.

This group class is free and offered as a self help from Patty Bangerter. Come and learn from this amazing woman and discover how to access and utilize the power you hold within you!

Patty offers these and other services through the wellness center. Her Private sessions can be viewed and scheduled by following the website link:

March 14

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March 15

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