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Is your body talking to you?

In this class we are going to activate/clear/cleanse our THROAT CHAKRA.

Oh, this Chakra... Let's give it some love!!!

It's all about communication, expression, creativity, finding your voice, right to be heard, right to speak, authentic voice, right to be you unapologetically.

When unbalanced this may show up as fear of speaking, weak voice, disorders of the throat, half-truths or flat out lies due to fear of speaking up, Alcoholism, smoking and eating disorders, putting on a brave face rather than express our inner chaos or dissatisfaction.

Talking/feeling/breathing through our true emotions and feelings can help us to release those burdens, those worries, the traumas of childhood, life experiences, etc. that are difficult or challenging.

Breath of Fire is a great way to release those blocks, burdens, emotions, stuck energy that we've been packing around that NO longer serves us.

Let's let it go in an environment that supports you in your healing and also helps you to feel safe, supported and loved.

Class event is $30.00/Person
Payment is accepted by Venmo @Janet-Lefler confirmation 2129 OR cash at the door.

Reserve your spot today!

Sat Nam

PS. I also offer ONE-ON-ONE intuitive life coaching if anyone is interested in diving deeper into their healing. You can hit me up after the class or DM me. Much Love!

January 19

Kundalini Yoga/Breathwork

January 20

Readings or Energy Work with Will (walk-in or schedule ahead and reserve your spot)